53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper
53mm Espresso Tamper

53mm Espresso Tamper


This is a beefy 53mm espresso tamper that I made between pans as a mind cleanser. Very beefy in construction.

  • One piece, integral forging
  • Glossy brassed steel with lots of color texture
  • Heavy, textured, works well to press even with its own weight.

Lots of fiddly bench work in this one.


Steel. Brass. Beeswax.


That's all.